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Flight SCC0074

  • Submitted By: David Lowe
  • Departure Airport: Fairchild AFB (KSKA)
  • Arrival Airport: Corfu Intl Airport (LGKR)
  • Aircraft: C-17 (50101)
  • Flight Time: 10.13
  • Date Submitted: 05/12/2024
  • Route: GPS
  • Status: Accepted
Flight Details
Gross Revenue:
(167922 load / $ 0.00 per unit
$ 0.00
Fuel Cost:
(191943 fuel used @ 5.1 / unit)
$ 978, 909.30

Additional Log Information:

View Log

smartCARS version, 2024/5/12 UTC
[17:02:02] Preflight started, flying offline
[17:02:02] Flying Virtavia C-17A 4
[17:02:02] Engine 1 is on
[17:02:02] Engine 2 is on
[17:02:02] Engine 3 is on
[17:02:02] Engine 4 is on
[17:05:06] Flaps set to position 3
[17:06:33] Pushing back with 244426 lb of fuel
[17:06:34] Taxiing to runway
[17:06:43] Taking off
[17:07:13] Climbing, pitch: 5, roll: level, 159 kts
[17:07:19] Gear lever raised at 132 ft at 156 kts
[17:07:23] Flaps set to position 0 at 292 ft at 158 kts
[17:30:12] Sim paused
[17:30:16] Sim unpaused
[17:33:38] Overspeed entered
[17:33:55] Overspeed left after a max speed of 297 kts
[17:39:17] Cruising at 36000ft, pitch: 7, 400 kts
[17:43:18] Cruising altitude changed to 38000 ft
[17:47:19] Cruising at 38000ft, pitch: 2, 550 kts
[17:50:38] Overspeed entered
[17:50:46] Overspeed left after a max speed of 264 kts
[17:50:56] Overspeed entered
[17:51:03] Overspeed left after a max speed of 264 kts
[02:35:29] Sim paused
[07:39:44] Sim unpaused
[07:39:46] Overspeed entered
[07:39:56] Overspeed left after a max speed of 269 kts
[07:43:26] Descending early, distance: 254 nm
[07:50:45] Approaching early
[08:00:40] Sim paused
[08:00:44] Sim unpaused
[08:27:18] Flaps set to position 4 at 4376 ft at 240 kts
[08:27:43] Final approach, 209 kts
[08:27:58] Gear lever lowered at 1982 ft at 186 kts
[08:28:35] Flaps set to position 6 at 2769 ft at 167 kts
[08:28:46] Flaps set to position 7 at 2363 ft at 161 kts
[08:31:05] Touched down at -253 fpm, gear lever: down, pitch: -2, roll: 3 degrees left, 122 kts
[08:31:34] Landed in 3636 ft, fuel: 52819 lb, weight: 335876 lb
[08:31:34] Taxiing to gate
[08:31:53] Flaps set to position 2
[08:31:56] Flaps set to position 0
[08:32:58] The flight may now be ended
[08:32:58] Arrived, flight duration: 10:13
[08:33:01] Engine 1 is off
[08:33:02] Engine 2 is off
[08:33:02] Engine 3 is off
[08:33:03] Engine 4 is off


Commenter Comment
David Lowe CTR3612 (KSKA - LGKR) / tanked with KC-46

Route Map